Month: December 2019

The Dos and Donts of Marketing Your Graphic Design Business

The Dos and Donts of Marketing Your Graphic Design Business

In the world of New Age technology, your marketing can pretty much make or break your company, brand or overall business. You can have all the technical and graphic skills in the world when it comes to a career in Graphic Design but, if you do not know how to properly market your business, your skills are not able to get the exposure that they deserve. This list will point out the major points that you should be focusing on as well as avoiding. Jeffrey English Hoboken has gathered a few do’s and don’ts to help you along your the way.


Dos: Choose the best typeface and fonts for your brand. By creating using certain fonts your audience will be able to notice your branding and your projects much easier. Using a select group of font variations will keep your audience engaged while they will remain familiar with your work.

Dont’s: Avoid using too many fonts in your images and graphics. This can be overwhelming to your audience which can result in them totally ignoring your graphics as a whole. Avoid conflicting fonts that do not complement one another because this will remove the clarity of the message.


Dos: It’s a great idea to give your work one last look over before sending it to your clients. This is very important when your images have to be balanced and properly filtered with the lighting. You may play with the color wheels to find the best element to match the specific project.

Don’ts: Design is all about abstracts and compliments. Although stock photography is a great tool, it’s best to steer clear during marketing. This removes personable effects that are caused by personal images related to or directly from your business. Stock images can be edited to fit your design but please be aware that too many stock items can cause the overall design to look low-grade.


Dos: Provide yourself and your clients the proper time frame so that you are able to work on your design without pressure. In the event that design is not on time, you should contact the client and communicate clearly. Always keep notes of the clients’ expectations and design vision near.

Don’ts: Don’t allow yourself to stress out overwork. Graphic design should be fun for you and stress will limit your creativity.


Dos: Keep your basic color theory in mind when you are completing projects. Clients and a great percentage of the public are visual viewers. Always keep complimentary colors working together to give the finished design a smooth look.

Don’ts: Don’t use too many colors that will leave the design looking busy. And, don’t allow your color coordinating to overpower the wording of the overall message. The message being conveyed is the most important of all while the fonts help to organize these messages and the colors provide a nice finishing touch while complimenting the brand.

In order to stand out from your competitors, you must utilize the best tools to optimize your brand and attract your prospective clients. Marketing is a sure way to make your name stand out in the most personal way while exemplifying your professionalism. This is a major way to boost both your engagement and sales of your business. Use these tips to limit your stress and keep you on track while you are designing. Contact Jeff English Hoboken to get started on your journey today

Content Marketing Tips For New Financial Advisors

Content Marketing Tips For New Financial Advisors

Being a financial advisor can prove to be a rewarding field, because you will be assisting families in creating short and long term goals regarding important financial decisions. These include, but are not limited to investments, stocks and bonds, retirement and saving for upcoming major financial changes.

Becoming a new advisor takes a lot of hard work and dedication. Once you have become an advisor after getting the proper accreditation, the next step is to market yourself in a cost effective manner so you can start showcasing your skills. That is why content marketing has become so essential, because it is has become the best way to not only attract, but convert potential customers.

In terms of how content marketing can benefit you, investing in this area will cost less than a sales driven approach and businesses with content marketing typically average around 3 times more leads. In terms of specific tips of how to advertise yourself, follow along.

Stick To The Present

One of the first things you will have to understand about marketing yourself as a financial advisor is that people only really care about topics that are affecting them right now. Giving out general tips and ideas is fine, but it can also become redundant. If they wanted to, they could merely Google what they want to know and get their information from there.

What you need to focus on is to stay with current events and discuss how market trends can affect them and their finances. Do not beat around the bush with the customer, because if you do, they will simply be wasting their time and money. You can find out more important content marketing tips for financial advisors by visiting Rex Burgdorfer LinkedIn.

Stick to Objectives

It’s also important that you play on objectives in the process of marketing yourself. Sometimes, the best content marketing idea for financial advisors is to align our services with the mission statement of the company you work for. If you create content similar to that, you will become marketable by design.

What’s important is that you view your own personal content as an extension of your own world. The kind of vibe and aura that you give out to others will get people potentially attracted.

You also need to think about the demographics and service areas that you are trying to appeal to. This will make the business objectives much easier and keep your goals clear.

Customize per Channel

If there is one thing that is growing rapidly, it is the acceptance of the digital media consumption. At any given time, someone can be using three devices at once without even knowing it. This means that you need to create digital content that is customizable to each form of media.

Adjustments should be made for clients and with the proper application, it will help your brand connect deeper without forcing services on them. For further information on how you can take advantage of digital content in financial content marketing, you can get information from Rex Burgdorfer LinkedIn