Month: January 2020

Marketing Mistakes Made That Hinder Your Business From Becoming Successful

Marketing Mistakes Made That Hinder Your Business From Becoming Successful

Whether you’re just starting your first business, or you’re a seasoned entrepreneur, an effective marketing campaign is essential to your business’ success. Unfortunately, many business owners lack the skills to market their businesses and end up making mistakes that can hinder their chances for succeeding in a competitive market. Here are just a few common marketing mistakes that you should try to avoid.

Boasting About Your Product

In the past, bragging about the quality of your product was a common marketing technique and it may even have been effective. Those times are long gone and the average consumers just don’t care that your product won an award. They’re more interested in what it can do for them, so try to focus ads on how your products can help your customers. They want to know how it can make their lives easier and that’s what you should tell them.

Failing to Reduce Customer Churn

While advice from Rusty Tweed can help you attract new customers, you should be paying just as much attention to keeping your existing customers. Many business owners become so focused on getting new consumers through the door that they end up chasing existing customers away. It can be profitable to make the effort to stay in touch with your customers. You can send out emails that ask them to rate their satisfaction with your business, you can offer loyalty rewards, or you can host an event that will bring your existing customers back to your business.

Casting Too Wide of a Net

If you’re not using targeted marketing and data analytics, you’re wasting a significant percentage of your marketing budget. You may think that casting a wide net and reaching out to everyone will attract more customers, but your ads are falling on deaf ears in this situation. For instance, if you sell dirt bikes, you don’t really want to spend money on ads that are accessible to senior citizens or single moms. By identifying your target demographic and focusing marketing campaigns to appeal to those groups, you’ll spend less money and see a bigger return on your investment.

Failing to Use Social Media Correctly

The insight you gain from Rusty Tweed can be effective in helping you grow your brand, but only if you know where to put it to use. Social media sites offer an opportunity to market your products and build your brand at no financial cost to you, but you will have to invest your time. You should be making relevant posts on a daily schedule, but don’t throw too much information out there in a short span of time. If your followers feel spammed by your page, they may unfollow or unfriend you. It’s also important to respond to questions and comments and establish positive two-way communications with those who do interact with your posts.

Above all, taking the time to learn about new technologies and strategies that can be applied to your marketing efforts will help you stay competitive. While some tools or techniques may not work for you, others will likely help you see a big boost in the growth of your customer base. If you’re not afraid to experiment, you should be able to find strategies that will help you build your business into a success with a positive brand image