Why Customer Success is the New Marketing

There are many factors that businesses require in order to be successful. However, if there is one thing that should not be neglected, it is applying customer success. This is much different than customer service and can determine the long-term prosperity of any organization.

What is Customer Success?

This is a term used to describe if the customer achieves the desired outcome of the service or product that a company is advertising. For example, if a business were to sell a product that helps to replenish vitamins, customers will be expecting that to take place.

This concept is very different from customer service. Customer service has to do more with how a company handles issues specific to customers and how swift a solution can be found. If more businesses focus time and money on this area, the benefits will be seen quickly. Most notably, focusing on the success of customers can be seen as a new form of marketing. Here are some reasons why.


One of the keys behind customer success is to potentially nurture them into long-term buyers. Also, having marketing programs that is geared around the success of the customer can prove to be a profitable campaign.

Marketers are able to use the data that they have on their current clientele at their disposal in order to help facilitate the development of programs that can deliver more value. For example, companies can facilitate an email series on training current customers about certain features of the product or service that they were not aware of before. This will help customers stay long-term.

Turning Customers Into Advocates

Many businesses are often unaware of the potential opportunities available to generate a new stream of income. One specific advocacy tactic that organizations across the world are using as a form of marketing campaign is advocacy.

If you are able to find customers that are willing to partner with the company, this could mean that there can be new revenue from referrals alone. In today’s social media age, advocacy has proven to be very effective in bringing new customers into the fold.

The best part is that there is mutual benefit to this relationship. The business will benefit from getting new customers from the advocate in question. The advocate, on the other hand, usually receives financial compensation for plugging the product on their platforms.

Helps Customers Over-Achieve

Remember that the entire concept of success is to ensure that the customer achieves their goals. However, you should also be willing to invest in ensuring that customers are able to over-execute on their visions for their service.

If a company understands what their role is in helping customers achieve their goals, then this will transfer well into other areas of potential revenue. The top companies understand certain core concepts. This includes how to recognize what features need to be refined and how to properly interpret sales to determine what changes need to be implemented.

There are plenty of opportunities that lie in store for companies who invest in their customers. After all, without customers, there is no business to begin with